Amazing Facts about the life of Mahatma Gandhi

gandhi facts

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, famously referred to as “Mahatma Gandhi” led India to independence with his non-violent movement. He is called the father of the nation. Here are some amazing facts about Gandhi you all want to know.

  • Mahatma Gandhi was born to Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai Gandhi on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar, Gujrat, India.
  • Gandhi was a very shy kid in the school who used to often run away because he had difficulty talking with school mates. His nickname in school was Moniya.
  • Gandhi married Kasturba when he was 13. Kasturba was 14 at the time.
  • Gandhi attended law school in London and was famous among the faculty for his bad handwriting.
  • Gandhi spoke English with an Irish accent. Because one of his first teachers was an Irishman.
  • Gandhi lived for 21 years in South Africa. He was imprisoned there many times as well.
  • It was there that he created his concept of satyagraha, a non-violent way of protesting against injustices.
  • Gandhi is often called Bapu in India, a term of endearment that means “father.”
  • Rabindranath Tagore was the man who gave Gandhi the tag of “Mahatma”.
  • Netaji conferred the title of ‘The Father of the Nation’ to Gandhi.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s image has appeared on all denominations of Indian rupees printed since 1996.
  • Gandhi’s birthday is known as Gandhi Jayanti in India and is commemorated with a prayer for peace, ceremonies, and with singing “Raghupathi Raghava Rajaram,” Gandhi’s favorite song.
  • Gandhi was arrested 14 times and spent a total of 6 years in prison.
  • There are more roads in the Netherlands named after Mahatma Gandhi than those in India.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was the founder of 3 football clubs in South Africa.
    Mahatma Gandhi once wrote a letter to Hitler, appealing him to stop the war. Gandhi referred to him as “dear friend”.
  • Gandhi has influenced almost all leaders of the 20th century. Some include – Martin Luther King, Syu Ki, Nelson Mandela and many more.